Upcoming exhibitions 2021

November 26, 2020
fine art polaroid photography by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason Iceland

Good news everyone!

Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

Booked exhibitions for 2021;

14. Jan – Í hvaða litum dreymir þig? / In what colours do you dream? – Solo exhibition at Núllið Gallerí, Reykjavík, Iceland

17. Feb – Óljóst landslag / Obscure landscape – Duo Exhibition with Icelandic photographer Sigurður Mar at Mjólkurbúðin, Akureyri, Iceland

02. Oct – Draumveruleiki / Dreamreality – Solo exhibition at Gallerí Laugalækur, Reykjavík, Iceland

05. Nov – Yfirgefin list / Leaving art – Solo exhibition at Reykjavík Museum of Photography, Reykjavík, Iceland

hooded person and abandoned traditional turf house church in Iceland Fine art Polaroid photography by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason kuggur.com
Fine art Polaroid photography by Guðmundur Óli Pálmason kuggur.com

Í havaða litum dreymir þig / In what colours do you dream?

Í havaða litum dreymir þig / In what colours do you dream? will feature only black and white work.
By using expired polaroid films which I modify and manipulate manually with all sorts of spray on chemicals I achieve an ethereal feeling, giving the viewer the illusion of looking back in time. But time isn’t linear in my work, rather it’s like a memory of a dream. My dreams are not black and white, but I do sometimes have a hard time recalling their true colours after I wake up. Therefore I leave it up to the viewer to fill in the blanks, perhaps even long after they have left the exhibition. What colours did they see? And more importantly; in what colours do they themselves dream?

Óljóst landslag / Obscure landscape

With Óljóst landslag / Obscure landscape my friend and fellow visual artist Sigurður Mar have decided to touch upon a common ground. Both of us being visual artists using photography as our main means to produce work, neither of us is what would typically be described, in this modern digital age of super sharpness, as a photographer. Yet both of us work closer to the original tradition of hands-on photography than any digital photographer in the 21st century.
We both work with analogue films, albeit be them different formats, and we both use the Icelandic landscape (amongst other things) as a source of inspiration.

Draumveruleiki / Dreamreality

Draumveruleiki / Dreamreality will deal with the illusion of photographic reality, blurring the lines between dreams and a perceived reality of a past that never truly existed.

Yfirgefin list / Leaving art

The Yfirgefin list / Leaving art exhibition will be a continuation of my ongoing site specific project by the same name, but this time I want to take the project into the setting of a gallery.
I’ve stated before that I like the idea of the art returning home, returning to the place where I took the original photo. If by doing so I’ve brought my art full circle, then taking the art into the gallery space is the artistic equivalent of placing the work in a parallel dimension. The circle has not so much been broken, as a new circle has started to emerge outside the original one.

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